Benefits of Acupuncture
Increase nerve function
Decrease acute and chronic pain
Increase performance in sport activities
Stress management and preventative care
Conditions Acupuncture can Treat
Acute and chronic pain, headache, migraine, sinus congestion, stress, sports related injuries, post surgery recovery, stress, digestion condition and overall healthy well being
*Please note acupuncture services can be billed under Massage Therapy if using your extended health benefits. The therapist performing acupuncture is a Registered Massage Therapist and is not a member of The Ontario College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
30 minutes - $100 (HST included)
45 minutes - $115-120 (HST included)
60 minutes - $130-125 (HST included)
75 minutes - $155-160 (HST included)
90 minutes - $180 (HST included)